Ft. Frederica, St. Simon's Island, Georgia |
"I received the letter you honored me with dated the 16th of May last...I take leave to give you my hearty thanks for so great a favor. I have not words sufficient to express myself how much I am obliged to your honor...if it should happen any discrepancies in the Colony and that he give (Mr. Causton) me timely notice, I shall be ready to do him all the service in my power both by acting and threatening the mutineers, nothwithstanding that I am directly under the command of the Governor of South Carolina, no man being more willing to serve the Colony than myself. I do not think it proper to ask the Governor's approbation in assisting your Colony upon so critical a time by reason there is a dispute between the South Carolina agent and the Indian nation and your agent about the trade, but as soon as I have opportunity I shall not fail to write to him, wishing for nothing more than to be able to give you the most convincing proof thereof. Philip Delegal. P. S. My son is at present in the country or else he did not himself the honor to have wrote to you."
From the Journal of William Stephens, Secretary of the Colony for many years, who reported regularly all the business of Georgia to the Trustees in England:
"11 January 1738. A boat sent by Lt. Delegal at St. Simon's for Charles Town here in the morning and brought several letters; among others from Capt. Gascoigne, Mr. Horton, and Mr. Hawkins, for me....2 February 1738. Thursday. Lt. Delegal in the morning crossed Jekyll Sound from his fort on St. Simon's and paid us a visit. Mr. Horton then did not allow us to put out without dining with him, which I perceived he had made provision for, and we fared well. Afterwards, Mr. Delegal took his leave and returned to his fort."
"15 December 1740. The person on the boat who did not show himself yesterday we now heard was Colonel Barnwell of Carolina, to whom the General (Oglethorpe) had been friendly with; and it was not doubted but both he and Lt. Delegal had with them some particular orders and instructions from his Excellency." (At the seige of Augustine by General Oglethorpe)
Capt. Delegal served in Lt. General Parson's Regiment of Invalids, St. Peter's Port, on the Island of Guernsey, until he became active in the politics of His Majesty. December 19, 1751 he was granted 500 acres, adjoining that of his son. In 1755 he returned to the Legislature representing the Great and Little Ogeechee District, being elected a Member of the House. In 1757 he carried a bill to the Council to prevent any person from trading or encouraging Indians to come into Georgia. When Capt. Delegal died in January of 1769, his wife, Eleanor, removed herself to reside at Philip's Bluff in South Carolina.
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