The Plantation Journal of Seaborn Hawks
The Plantation Journal of Seaborn Hawks
Seaborn Hawks kept a daily journal for his plantation in Jasper County. In addition to an inventory of medicines such as laudnum, he also maintained a list of eight or more paid workers and the amounts. On February 13, 1855 he noted that it was a rainy day and night. On February 17th he nearly finished planting cotton and nine lambs were sheared. That season he also planted corn along the creek field and elsewhere, sending 9 bushes to the mill. It appears that he had about 500 acres of land, also a number of slaves. Records were always kept on the plantation including such items as promissory notes given by neighbors, money borrowed for crops, expenses of equipment and repairs, and so on. The more costly items were exported from England. When buildings were torn down, lumber was stacked in a heap and inventoried. Also, items such as nails and windows. Croppers shipped goods to Augusta, Savannah and Charleston. This journal is available to members of in the Genealogy Vault
Index to Georgia Wills-See Names of your Ancestors