Outerbanks, North Carolina |
Anyone researching Georgia records understands how difficult it is to locate certain families. Especially those who migrated before the Revolutionary War. Unless they were colonials who came with Oglethorpe, without a pension from that war, it becomes a real chore to locate the origin of the family. Rev. William Franklin established the Briar Creek Baptist Church in Washington, Georgia before the war. He apparently came to Georgia with his son, George Thomas Franklin, born ca 1741 in Virginia. Although there were land grants for Rev. Franklin, he was too old to have served in the Revolutionary War, and I have found no record whatsoever that either he nor George served. Yet, genealogists claim that he served and enlisted in Botetourt County. This reference came from the DAR eons of time ago and has no accuracy to it whatever, that I can see. Yet, this one little statement has misled researchers. It is general knowledge that George Thomas Franklin was married to Vashti Mercer of the baptist Mercers from Currituck County, North Carolina. Although no records exist in that county for the Franklin family, an in depth study of all Franklin names during the 1700s in Virginia has revealed an interesting fact. In the late 17th century, one, Thomas Franklin, had a land patent in Currituck County. This is Outerbanks, North Carolina, the Albemarle Sound, geographically close to Princess Anne County, Virginia. In fact, I discovered a number of deeds of residents of Princess Anne County who also drew land in Currituck County. Combined with family tradition that the Franklin's traveled with the Mercers from North Carolina into Georgia, as well as the era involved, it appears that Rev. Franklin was probably a son of the William Franklin who died intestate 1753 in Princess Anne County, Virginia. Another item of interest to researchers, is that while searching around Virginia Beach, they should also consider Lower Norfolk County and give especial consideration to the early deed records, which are rich with clues as to the old homesteads, etc.
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