Sunday, December 27, 2015

II. What happened to the Loyalists after the Revolutionary War.

Cat Head Creek on the Altamaha River
Richmond Hill. Oglethorpe award land grants on the Ogeechee River in 1734
Sir Patrick Houstoun (1698-1762) was the grandson of the Scottish knight and baronet Sir Patrick Houstoun,   Patrick Houstoun left Scotland in 1734 and settled near what is now Richmond Hill, Georgia, land that would later belong to Henry Ford.  When his cousin, Sir John Houstoun died without male heirs, the title of baronet passed to Patrick.  Houstoun then entered the political arena, serving all three royal governors.  He was soon appointed as a member of the Royal Council of Georgia and was soon appointed the ranking member.  His duties consisted of  advising the governor on matters ranging from Indian affairs to matters of public safety.  He also sat on the Upper House of Assembly which was affiliated with the Royal Council which convened daily when the council was in session.  In addition, Houstoun assumed the position of Registrar of grants and receiver of quit rents, which were notoriously difficult to collect.  He also served as commissioner for defense of the colonies.  Houstoun died in 1762, leaving everything to his wife, Priscilla who had borne him six children.  The title of baronet passed to his twenty year old son, also named Patrick. 

After the war, the family estate of the elder Sir George Houstoun near Darien, Georgia was
confiscated on June 19, 1782 and included 2500 acres on Cat Head Creek on the Altahama River,  was purchased  on the same date by William Houstoun for which he provided a $25,000 bond.  

William Houstoun, 500 acres of confiscated land on the Great Ogeechee River belonging to the late George Houstoun. June 13, 1782.

Any members of the family who were loyalists after the war probably removed to Nova Scotia, the family seat.

Sources: Dictionary of Georgia Biography ; Confiscated Sales of Estates found on Georgia Pioneers

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