Saturday, November 9, 2013

Martyrs of the Revolution

William Few Sr. 
WILLIAM FEW, SR. was the grandson of Isaac Few who came to the American colonies in 1682. The family had its own distinctions in local politics.

About 1758 William Few removed his family of a wife and six children into North Carolina and located on the Eno River where he erected a saw and grist mill. Several years later, a public disturbance resulted in a son, James Few, being sent to the gallows. James was identified with the Regulator uprisings, which was an open rebellion of the colonists against the mother country, protesting government outrages. The rebellion included some of the most substantial citizens of that section, and culminated in the battle of Almance. James Few, following this battle, in which the Regulators were defeated, was taken and hanged without trial, being the first martyr of the Revolution. William Few, Jr., it seems was left embarrassed for his known connection with the Regulator affairs as a bondsman for those outlawed.  After this occurred, the family removed to the Quaker Settlement in Wrightsboro, Georgia. The genealogy is traced on Georgia Pioneers         

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  7. (Graduates database from ca 1830 to 1925)
  8. (Digitized Wills in counties of: Carter 1794-1830; Jefferson 1802-1810;Johnson 1839-1900;Unicoi 1878-1887; Washington 1779-1800)