Biographical Sketches of Georgia's Colonial Families from Europe
These sketches trace the family history and genealogy of General Oglethorpe's first passengers to the Colony of Georgia to as far as possible. In many instances, the place of origin is known and also whether or not certain individuals remained in the colony or quit it. This colony's history is perhaps the most interesting of all settlements because Oglethorpe colonized with poor persons and fLeeing persecuted protestants from all over Europe. These same persons soon found themself embroiled in the land war which England declared against Spain in 1739.
Because of religious persecution from all over Europe protestants from Scotland England Austria and Germany migrated to the Georgia Colony at the invitation of James Oglethorpe who also sought colonists from FLeet and Newgate Prisons in London. These individual who came onboard the ships "The Ann" "The Purisburg" and "The Prince of Wales" settled in the towns of Savannah Ebenezer Darien (New Inverness) and Frederica. Many of the early settlers were traced by professional genealogist Jeannette Holland Austin and are included as part of this private collection of Georgia Pioneers
Index of Names
■Anderson, David
■Anderson, George
■Anderson, Hugh
■Anderson, James
■Anderson, Richard
■Anderson, William
■Bacon Michael
■Baillie George
■Baillie James
■Baillie George
■Baker Benjamin
■Baker Elijah
■Baker Joseph S.
■Baker Nathaniel
■Baker Richard
■Baker Thomas, Sr.
■Baker William
■Bateman William
■Bathurst Francis
■Camuse Jacque
■Camuse Joseph
■Carr Mark
■Christie Thomas
■Delegal David
■Delegal Philip
■Fitzwalter Joseph
■Germain Michael
■Graham George
■Graham James
■Graham John
■Graham Mungo
■Graham Patrick
■Graham William
■Harris William
■Houstoun Patrick
■Jones Cornelius
■Jones Frances
■Jones John
■Jones Lewis
■Jones Noble
■Jones Thomas
■Jones William
■Kelly Bryan
■Kelly John
■Kelly Peter
■Kelly Thomas
■Lee Rebecca
■Lee Thomas Sr.
■Lee William
■MacBean Alexander
■MacBean Archibald
■MacBean Duncan
■MacBean Laughlin
■MacBean McWillie Jo
■MacBean Will Mackay
■Morel Peter
■Rodolph Musgrove
■Parker Agnes
■Parker Elizabeth
■Parker James
■Parker Robert S.
■Parker Sarah
■Parker Thomas
■Perkins George
■Perkins John
■Perkins Jonathan
■Perkins Samuel
■Perkins Thomas
■Polhill Nathaniel
■Rae James
■Pye John
■Rae John
■Rae Matthew
■Rae Robert
■Robinson Moses
■Robinson Sylvanus
■Robinson Thomas
■Russell Benjamin
■Russell David
■Russell Hugh
■Russell John
■Russell Samuel
■Russell William
■Salter John
■Salter Samuel
■Salter Thomas
■Salter> Tolliver
■Salter Zadock
■Stephens William
■Sumner Thomas
■Vanderplank John
■Watson Charles
■Watson Hugh
■Watson Joseph
■Whitefield George
■Young Isaac
■Young Thomas
■Zouberbuhler Bartholomew
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